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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Joakim Noah is the Biggest Hater in the NBA

Joakim Noah is infamous for his Cleveland rant, and now he has said that he HATES the Heat. Maybe he just doesn’t like LeBron. Anyways, Joakim Noah once said he hated the city of Cleveland. He stated that he had never heard of anyone going on vacation to Cleveland, and saying that the city is boring and so are the Cavaliers. When they Cavaliers got up to a 2-0 lead on them in the playoffs, a reporter asked Noah if he regretted his comments. Noah’s answer was quick, “No”.

Earlier this week, Noah was asked how badly he wanted a championship. He said he believes this will be the year. Noah said he hates losing, and he HATES the Heat. It just so happens that LeBron is on both of the teams that Noah dislikes. Coincidence? I think not!

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