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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bmaze Celebrity Game

                                                    Nolan Smith and Josh Selby play in the
                                                    Bmaze Celebrity Game in Knoxville, TN

Celebrity games are a great way to see your favorite players in action during the offseason. The Bmaze Celebrity Game took place today in Knoxville, Tennessee. Bobby Maze, a former University of Tennessee player, ran the game in honor of a friend who passed away. Some celebrities appearing included Ty Lawson, Michael Beasley, Nolan Smith, Josh Selby, and Tobias Harris. Other players in attendance were former UT sharpshooter Chris Lofton, Kevin Durant's brother Tony, and Washington Redskins defensive tackle Trent Williams. Players were flocked for autographs the whole time. Look for celebrity games in your area.

1 comment:

  1. tr.v. flocked, flock·ing, flocks
    1. To stuff with waste wool or cotton.

    2. To texture or pattern with pulverized wool or felt.

    Those poor guys...this sounds painful.

    Looks like a fun time other than the flocking!
